Most articles have been published in Dutch newspapers and magazines, and on Dutch radio as well as television. You can find them here, they include several videos which give a nice impression about the bison and the dune area they roam in.
May 28th 2018, project coordinator Yvonne Kemp spoke to BBC Radio 4 about the impact of bison in nature area Kraansvlak.
June 11th 2018, we spoke to TalkRadio's Paul Ross about our European bison project taking place in Kraansvlak. The item starts at 11:16 between 04:30 and 05:00.
The Guardian published a story about the Kraansvlak bison project on May 28, 2018 entitled: "Return of the bison: herd makes surprising comeback on Dutch coast - Endangered species can thrive in habitats other than forests, paving way for their return".
April 2018, an article published by Mongabay written by Joshua Parfitt, about Dutch coastal dune conservation and management of European bison by PWN.
February 2018, an article at written by Joshua Parfitt, about European bison highlights the Kraansvlak project: 'The bison are back: rewilding the Dutch dunes brings back a mega beast'.
June 23rd 2016, two bulls translocated to Kraansvlak from a French nature reserve, were released into their new home. The Dutch tv show NH Leeft was present and made a video (in Dutch): the first steps of the bison follow after the doors of the corral are opened at minute 7:10 of the item.
In November 2015, the article 'Bison-back in business' written by project coordinator Yvonne Kemp, and illustrated with beautiful images from renown nature photographer Jasper Doest, was published online in Geographical. It tells the story so far of the first Dutch project where European bison has been given space to roam in Dutch nature. Starting in 2007 with bison coming from Poland, within the project much research has been carried out and with it the ecological knowledge of the still endangered species is enhanced.
- In November 2014, the Dutch bison project has been mentioned in the Polish national newspaper 'Gazeta Wyborcza', one of the largest in the country. Project coordinator Yvonne Kemp was interviewed for the article 'Żubr wychodzi z lasu' or 'Bison out of the forest'. Traditionally the prevalent idea is that the European bison is primarily an animal of the forest. This is slowly changing and experiences in the dune area of Kraansvlak play an important role. Strengthened by experiences elsewhere and many scientific research, we see the bison thriving in a more semi-open area. The Polish newspaper article addresses this issue and highlights the Kraansvlak project as an example.