In the Netherlands

Since Spring 2016 European bison is present in two additional Dutch nature reserves: Veluwe and Maashorst. The bison and their influence on nature and landscape are being studied. ARK Nature is involved in both projects.

European bison Maashorst

The European bison in the Maashorst are part of a project of four Maashorst municipalities, Staatsbosbeheer and ARK Nature and was partly financed by the Dutch Postcode Lottery.
Professionals of FREE Nature together with volunteers are monitoring the bison. The European bison were provided by the European Wildlife Bank of Rewilding Europe and came from the bison project Kraansvlak and from the German bison locations Kropp and Springe.

The European bison in the Maashorst are living together with roe deer, Exmoor ponies, and at a later stage also Tauros.


European bison Veluwe

The European bison project in the Veluwe is a project of Stichting Wisent op de Veluwe in close cooperation with Staatsbosbeheer and ARK Nature. Volunteers play an important role in monitoring the animals and their environment and guiding visitors. The European bison were provided by the European Wildlife Bank of Rewilding Europe and came from Germany.

The European bison in the Veluwe are living together with roe deer, wild boar, red deer and the occasional fallow deer.