Wisentproject member of European Rewilding Network
The Dutch wisentproject joined the European Rewilding Network, an initiative of Rewilding Europe. The Network is officially launched during WILD10, the World Wilderness Congress in Salamanca, Spain.
The European Rewilding Network is a growing network of rewilding initiatives in Europe in which knowledge and experiences are shared actively to learn from and get inspired by. In this way, the network contributes to a continent with more space for wildlife, wilderness and natural processes.
The start of the European Rewilding Network was announced in July and twenty rewilding initiatives from thirteen countries joined so far: from Scotland to Romania and from Latvia to Spain. The total extension of areas in the Network already exceeds 633,000 hectares, this excludes the Rewilding Europe areas that cover another 2,180,000 hectares. The online database includes an outline of the members of the Network became publicly accessible during WILD10.
Obviously, the wisentproject in Kraansvlak cannot be missing in the European Rewilding Network! We like to share our experiences with other members of the network in order to make Europe a wilder place. We are also convinced that other members of the network can be an inspiration for us.
See here the news item about the official presentation of the network.