August 23, 2017

Outdoor exhibition '10 years European bison in Kraansvlak'

September 1st starts an outdoor photo exhibition where everyone can enjoy ‘a day with the bison herd at the Kraansvlak’. Ranger and nature photographer Ruud Maaskant choose 20 of his best images showing the herd in it’s daily business . The exhibition can be seen along the footpath between Koevlak carpark and the ‘t Wed Lake in Overveen. The exhibition ends at November 1.

The European bison herd is busy with it every single day: grazing, browsing shrubs, ruminating, taking care of their calves, challenging each other. A sandbath to get rid of parasites, scrubbing to lose their winter fur, a cooling down in the water, watching visitors from a distance, chatting with the neighbours (horses, deer, etc.) and at the end a good rest.

The European bison belongs to the Big Five of Europe. It is an unique opportunity that you can see them in the wild in the Kraansvlak area. PWN and ARK Nature make this possible for you.

The Kraansvlak project started in 2007 and currently counts 16 adult animals and 6 calves.

On September 1, the Bison trail is reopened to the public, for the 6th year in a row. This trail  is marked with yellow poles and passes through the area where the bison and other large herbivores live in the wild. The animals are regularly seen from this path. Please don’t leave the path, as the rest of the area is closed to the public.


Wisent met zonsondergang. Foto: Ruud Maaskant