January 4, 2019
Oldest bison Kraansvlak passed away
Last week, the oldest European bison living in Kraansvlak has been found dead by one of the rangers of the project. The cow had passed away recently, at an age of nearly 18 years old. This is a decent age for European bison cows living in nature.
She was the oldest cow of the current herd. The last time, in 2013, an adult female passed away in Kraansvlak was at an age of 14. The recent deceased cow arrived in Kraansvlak together with two others in 2008, from Polish Bialowieza forest. She is responsible for the birth of four Dutch bison calves. Archive image shows the cow with one of her calves just behind. The herd now comprises of 18 bison and includes females as well as males of different ages.