Follow up first bison-seminar
On November 18th PWN organised a bison-seminar for fellow managers of natural areas titled 'Bison in Dutch nature: a seminar on experiences and future perspectives'. Several representatives of possible new bison areas were present.
The main objective was to encourage other nature managers to create more room for the bison in Dutch nature. Much information was shared and many experiences were exchanged. The current situation of all the potential areas was outlined and the challenges were discussed.
The participants were positive about possible new opportunities for bison and expressed their appreciation about the bison pilot in Kraansvlak. "It's the big example for future projects in other parts of the Netherlands".
After a fieldtrip the founding of a bison network was decided: a cooperation of bison breeders in nature reserves with the objective to exchange information. Periodically a meeting will be organised in which news and research results can be exchanged.