November 21, 2014
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Follow up first bison-seminar
On November 18th PWN organised a bison-seminar for fellow managers of natural areas titled 'Bison in Dutch nature: a seminar on experiences and future perspectives'. Several
November 4, 2014
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Bison to be followed via social media
Most updates about the bison project at Kraansvlak can be found at our special social media pages. Messages are usually given in Dutch as well as in English so please stay updated
August 21, 2014
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Unique path open for hikers
On Friday 29th of August the Bison Trail in the dunes of Zuid-Kennemerland will be officially opened. It will be open to the public daily from 10:00h till 17:00h, starting August
July 24, 2014
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Youngest bison-calf is a female
The bison-calf that is born the end of June is female. The gender was uncertain for a while because the calf spends a lot of time near its mother which weans and grooms her. Also
July 5, 2014
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Kraansvlak welcomes second generation calf
The first bison calf of 2014 is born at the end of June. Mother and calf are doing well and take part in the herd. The mother herself was born in Kraansvlak in 2009 from Polish
July 4, 2014
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More space for European bison
Last week the territory of the bison and konik horses is enlarged. In addition to the earlier expansion in 2012 the territory is now expanded to the southwest (Wurmenveld). The
June 17, 2014
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Summer break in the dunes?
Whereas the herd of konik horses welcomed a foal in May, the bison seem to take it slow. The entire herd is calmly ruminating in the valley on a summer afternoon in June. They are
May 22, 2014
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New faces in Kraansvlak
It remains to be seen if there will be calves in the bison herd this year. It is an exciting period for it is always a surprise if there will be cows in calf. Due to the slender
April 17, 2014
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Bison back online
Last week, a bison cow is fitted with a new collar with GPS-transmitter. The transmitter sends data of the whereabouts of the animal. These locations can be found on this website
April 9, 2014
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Kraansvlak loses founding father
The oldest bull in the bison project in Kraansvlak died. The bison-bull, pedigree-name Podryw II, came from Poland to Kraansvlak seven years ago. He was part of the select group of
April 7, 2014
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Spring in Kraansvlak
The spring has begun in Kraansvlak. The grasses still need some time to start growing, but the Creeping willow is budding and leaves of the poplar and spindle tree are unfolding
March 12, 2014
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Bison project loses three bison bulls
Last week, three bison bulls have died in Kraansvlak. The three bulls had been added to the herd from France in 2013 to bring new blood in the herd. The cause of death is being